About Us

 TWO CORRALS Meaning Part 1




Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us, TWO CORRALS.

We are glad that you are here and we want to welcome you by sharing our story with you. Get to know us, our vision, our values— our brand.


A Lifestyle Brand for Your Lifestyle Needs

Everyone has a story. Everyone’s story is very unique, personal, and impactful. Think about why you started running. Why do you keep running? Have you ever encountered a setback in your journey? Perhaps an injury, a plateau, or a motivational roadblock? If it sounds relatable, you’re not alone. We each have a unique story, but our stories are easy to connect with, because runners get each other, and we understand your needs. How do you conquer a setback and win your training? You need a mental-performance enhancer: motivation. 

Not just another t-shirt. We make designs that speak to runners. We want you to look stylistic with our modern and minimalist designs. More importantly, we want our designs to give you motivation to KEEP CHASING DREAMS & KEEP MOVING ON UP. That's an intangible value from not just another t-shirt.


What Does TWO CORRALS Stand For?

In large races, runners line up at the start line separated by corrals which is determined by their anticipated finish time. The fastest expected finishers line up in the front (e.g. corral A) while the slowest expected finishers line up in the back (e.g. corral G). BUT runners know that mental toughness is just as important as the physical aspect of running.

The TWO CORRALS lifestyle is a reminder that the corral where you first started was yesterday’s strength. The corral that you are training towards is the one forward. Both are important. They represent your dedication, commitment, and progress.

We want the TWO CORRALS community to embrace this mindset: KEEP CHASING DREAMS & KEEP MOVING ON UP.


Mission Statement

Everyone is going through something. Sometimes, it’s good to look back where you started to see how far you’ve come. It’s also good to assess where you are now to stay on track with where you want to be. There’s always the one corral where you started and the next corral which is the one forward. Both are important. They represent your determination, commitment, and progress. 

Training is a full-time commitment and it is hard, but you don’t have to do it alone. Whether you are training for a 5K, a full marathon, coming back to fitness after a setback, or continuing on your lifelong fitness journey, TWO CORRALS is here to help you feel motivated to KEEP CHASING DREAMS & KEEP MOVING ON UP.



It takes a community of support; beginners and experienced athletes need it. We see strength in growing the TWO CORRALS community to help us carry out our goal to elevate the community of runners with an uplifting lifestyle brand that inspires and speaks to their passion.



We abide by seven essential values. They are the foundation of our brand— the guidance, definition, and discipline to our mode of operation.


1. Uplift

Fact is: you are going to have good days and bad days in training. Suffice it to say, the good days make you feel good. The bad days make you feel not so good. We believe in the power of positivity. Your training is a personal journey, but cheering you on is our commitment.


2. Community

Your dedication, motivation, and perseverance in training is a driving factor for us. Building a supportive community of like-minded folks is how we can all get farther ahead together.


3. Inclusivity

Everyone‘s journey is different. You may not know it, but your efforts are inspiring someone. For this reason, everyone should feel and be treated like they belong. Everyone is a VIP here, whether you are a front of the pack, middle of the pack, or back of the pack runner. Everyone has a powerful and symbolic journey that we can all draw inspiration from.


4. Aspiration

You have goals. We do, too. Goals help us be better, get better (at something), and keeps us hungry to always strive for excellence. We are not content. We have two never-ending goals: seek for improvements and strive to be better.


5. Integrity 

We take our work very seriously. We make our designs ourselves and craft them to perfection. We source quality materials and supplies, and we meticulously process your order (which includes hand-printing our designs). We prefer to do things the hard way because it allows us to control production and regulate quality assurance on the spot.


6. Originality

Life is complicated. We like to keep things simple. Our designs are simple and modern. They send a message, but they don’t scream at you. They are also our original designs; you can’t find them anywhere else.


7. Joy

We love what we do because it resonates with our passion. We are runners ourselves. Our joy for running and fitness fuels our brand. We want to share our joy with you.



>> Meet Our Team <<

 TWO CORRALS Meaning Part 2