Meet the Team

Running Family Matching Tshirts


Social Media Manager
Production Manager

I'm Yen and I used to hate running. I had hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) during pregnancy (then again, for my second kid). I was vomiting continuously with all-day nausea, arms bruised from needles for IV hydration, and spent the majority of the pregnancy in bed rest. Nothing stopped the misery. HG took over my life and I didn't have control of my body. 

Delivery and recovery was also tough. A few months later, I still didn't feel any bit like myself. I didn't like that feeling, but I knew I could do something— I NEEDED to do something to take back control. So I turned to something that is hard for me: running. More specifically, I signed up for a half marathon. Let's recap: I was never a runner, I hated running, I was in the worst shape of my life, and I had not started exercising again after pregnancy. I got what I was looking for; it was f*ing hard. But after the half marathon, my perspective on running changed. EVERYTHING changed. Running changed me. Before I knew it, running became more than just a hobby— it became a lifestyle. 

Running is my passion. Making something from nothing is also my passion. Making designs related to running that carry an emotional and a motivational impact is a thrill I get as a runner and a designer. TWO CORRALS is the execution of my ambition, my passion, my lifestyle needs, and my entrepreneurial energy.

TWO CORRALS was founded when I was navigating through my running comeback journey with baby 2, after hyperemesis gravidarum yet again. The mission, vision, and values of this brand is the sum of everything I keep telling myself on my comeback journey (which I'm still navigating through). It's also everything I wish I would have heard when I first started running.

When I'm not working, I enjoy chasing my kids around, running, cooking, eating, baking, and playing pickleball. I dream of running a race in every state, and vacationing in Hawaii once a year.


Meet my team:



2nd Approver
HR Manager
Maintenance Manager

Tyler is my business partner and my life partner. He is my 2nd checker and my constructive-criticism critic. He tells me if my ideas are crazy or if they are practical. He supports my visions and he pushes me to always try my best.

He is an engineer who likes to build and fix things. His favorite part of the day is coming home from work to his lovely wife and adorable kids who welcome him with the biggest hugs, sweetest kisses, and most enthusiastic "welcome home, daddy!" greetings.

When he's not working, he enjoys chasing our kids around, playing basketball, pickleball, and running. He dreams of running a race in every state, vacationing in Hawaii once a year, and becoming pro at pickleball (he just started playing a few months ago and he's making major headway).


Little Assistant
Kid Boss
Toddler Boss

Ethan and Joey are my muse, my motivation, and my inspiration in all aspects of my life. They grant me the identity of motherhood which I am constantly learning and uniting with everyday. Watching them meet new milestones is a joy that all parents can relate with; as their mother, I see things much more affectionately. 

Watching them learn new discoveries and the trials and errors it takes to get there always leaves a strong impact on me— much more than they will ever know. When they were learning how to walk, every time they fell, I watched them get right back up, and back at it again without contemplation. This models motivation for me. Whenever I am tested by tribulation, I think of my kids and their resilience and that is the catalyst to my perseverance. I want to do the things that I never had the motivation, courage, or bravery to do, to show my kids that it can be done (if I fail, at least I gave it my honest effort).

They enjoy being crazy and wild, running around, fighting sleep and naps, playing basketball, baseball, soccer, football, and all other kinds of sports/balls. They dream of indulging in an unlimited supply of sweets and treats on the daily, and vacationing in Hawaii once a year.